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What Is Avatary?

Posted on May 31st 2021

Avatary Launch Picture

In a world full of boring and always same-looking avatar pictures, the young and ambitious company Avatary has made it its task to create new and innovative profile pictures.

What is Avatary exactly?

Avatary is an avatar creator, that allows you to combine your own creative imagination with various well-known drawing styles. With this intuitive tool you can easily create your own unique profile pictures and change or adapt them whenever you want. Our goal is to provide better profile images for everyone. But wait... Hasn´t this beeen tried before? Aren´t there enough avatar makers or profile picture creators already?

There might be, but Avatary is different!

What makes Avatary so unique is our usage of handcrafted templates that have been created by our own skilled in-house designers. The creator itself offers endless possibilities to change the form and the color of tremendous individual assets. Furthermore the user has the possibility to move these assets around and change their size and direction, which is a unique feature no other avatar creator can offer.

Avatary Launch Picture

We - the Avatary team - want to establish a never seen before unique usability when you are using our avatar creator. We already have produced over 200 assets with many more to come. But wait.. There is even more!

At Avatary we have a mission.

Our mission

We have set ourself the mission to change the way, how profile pictures and avatars are generally seen in the world wide web. There are way too many platforms, where most of the users don´t even use profile pictures at all.

Avatary wants to change that!

We want everyone to have an easy-to-go option on choosing profile pictures that just look like yourself, but doesn´t give away as much information to others as a real picture would do. The times are over when your teammates on Discord ask: "Who´s that guy without the profile picture?" No more of that!

Avatary Launch Picture

Or take YouTube.

Nowadays, nearly everyone has a Youtube account to subscribe to their favourite channels and to comment on videos they really love. But if you look at the comment section you see a sea of unpersonal, boring, and uncreative profile pictures - sometimes only with your initial letter on it. It looks pretty lame and just like everyone else. With an Avatary profile this would look totally different.

So be different!

A chance for companies

We also plan to work together with companies that want to use personal profile pictures internal/external in their company. Nowadays every business, large or small, is looking for a way to use video conference systems. And what is a problem while using this? You get another new software that needs your name and picture in it so others can see who you are. In big calls with hundreds of users, you can´t see who is who. Is it a member of the company or is it a supervisor? There is no hint.

With Avatary you are able to create individual company member pictures with the logo of your business in the background, so it becomes clear who is a member of the company and who is a participant. Thereby everyone knows who is who and can talk to each person directly.

Avatary Launch Picture

Now that you know what Avatary is about we want to say thank you for reading our first blog post, with hopefully many more to come!

Feel free to check out our other blog posts down below, or follow us on our social media channels to stay always informed when we announce awesome new stuff: